Sunday, 30 November 2014

Monday, December 1st

On Monday, December 1st, our three Gr. 2 classes will move into their own classrooms up on the second floor.  Two Gr. 7 classes and the Gr. 7/8 class have also relocated.  This means that half the gym will now be available for Phys. Ed. classes. Full use of the gym is anticipated for the week of December 8th.  Many thanks to our construction and caretaking teams for the work done during evenings and on the weekends!  Teachers and some intermediate students used time before and after school to pack and move - all in all, an exciting time!  We are hoping that the Gr. 1 classes currently occupying the library will move into their classrooms before the Winter Break begins.  

Also beginning Monday, December 1st, students may enter the building from 8:45 onwards, as opposed to waiting in line when the bell rings at 9:00 am.  Instruction begins promptly at 9:00 and anyone arriving after the 9:00 a.m. bell will need to obtain a late slip.  Lates are recorded on report cards and are cumulative.  Research tells us that there is a strong correlation between student achievement, regular attendance and arriving at school on time. Thank you for your support! 

Tuesday, 25 November 2014


Welcome to the Thornhill Woods blog!  Please check in regularly for information, happenings and school news.