Saturday, 30 April 2016

Junior Boys - Area Champs!

From Coaches Mr. Carra and Mr. Shatzky:

On Thursday, our Junior Boys Basketball team played in the Area Finals. Throughout the day they showed skill, perseverance, and above all excellent sportsmanship.

In the final game the team was really put to the test against the team from Nellie McClung. At the end of the second overtime in an incredibly close and intense game, our boys brought home a new pennant for our gym as the tournament champions! 

Thank you to those involved here at school and especially all the parents for your time and support. Wish us luck as we attend the Regional Finals on Wednesday. Go T-Wolves!

Mental Health talk with Michelle Cassidy

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Thornhill Woods earns Silver at Music Alive!

Music teachers Mr. Murray and Ms. Taylor led a phenomenal Rock 'n Roll ensemble to place Silver at the annual Music Alive! Festival on Friday, April 22nd.

The band is composed of three parts: vocals, rhythm and strings. The songs performed were “Michigan Left” by The Arkells and “Renegades” by X Ambassadors. The Rock n’ Roll Ensemble received fantastic feedback from the adjudicator and were awarded a performance grade of Silver and a certificate. 

You will have the opportunity to hear this talented group at our Arts & Innovation Evening on May 18th - please save the date!

Rehearsing at school

Outside Cosmo Music in Richmond Hill

Monday, 11 April 2016

Makerspaces at the TWPS Library


The Clothing Cupboard

Star Gazing Opportunity!

Thornhill Star Gazing Night

Telescopes will be available to view the Moon, Jupiter and various "deep-sky wonders".  A local astronomer with a "sky pointer" will be on hand to trace out constellations.

When: Thursday, April 14th, 2016.

Time: from 8:30 p.m.

Where: Pomona Mills Meadow, east of St. Volodymyr's Church

15 Church Lane, Thornhill  (north of John Street, just east of
Yonge Street)

Dress warmly in case of
inclement or overcast conditions.

Rain or Cloud Day: Thursday, May 12st, 2016