Saturday, 12 December 2015


It's clear...the staff and students of Thornhill Woods P.S. want MOre MOvember! All month long, school spirit was evident - Plaid Day and Mo Day. Staff and students rocked their favourite plaid pattern and then got creative when it was time to make their moustaches. We raised just over $550 and our male staff raised over $1000 online! Wow! Amazing job, everyone. Ms. Rapp's Gr. 3 and Mr. Carra's Gr. 6 raised  the most money. 

These two classes had the very exciting job of dyeing the male teacher's moustaches funky colours (Stiletto, Electric Lava and Electric Lizard). Thank you to our 8 gentlemen who were good sports and bravely sported their coloured MO's all day long.

 Thank you to all those who donated toward this good cause. Way to go, T-Wolves!