Sunday, 27 November 2016

Art in Kindergarten

From Ms. Alati and Ms. Johnson:

Students in Kindergarten  discussed  the importance of Remembrance Day and why we wear a poppy.  

This inspired us to study the work of  artist Georgia O’Keeffe, who is known for her paintings of poppies.  

Children began making their own poppy paintings  in the style of Georgia O’Keeffe.


JF&CS Workshop for Parents of children with AD(H)D

JF&CS offers non-denominational support to parents and families on a variety of issues.

Friday, 25 November 2016

Gr. 8's Visit Hershey Centre for a 905 Raptors' Game!

Created by students Eitan Elkayam and Max Rotstein:

A Day At The Hershey Centre

Wednesday November 23rd was a very exciting day for Thornhill Woods Public School. The Gr. 8 students along with their teachers went on a trip along with many other schools to the Hershey’s center to watch the Raptors 905 team! Everyone was so excited as they entered the stadium to watch the game. The game went on for about 2 hours and the students and faculty were bursting with thrills as the home team scored and won! The students were very well behaved and listened to their teacher’s instructions throughout the entire time. Everyone had a great time and would love to do a trip like this again!

Holiday Food Drive!

Monday, 14 November 2016

Remembrance Day at Thornhill Woods P.S.

On Friday, our students experienced a meaningful Remembrance Day.  Intermediate students and their teachers  attended an official ceremony at the Woodbridge Cenotaph.

The ceremony was attended by students from other schools, as well as the Royal Legion, firefighters, police officers and the Mayor of Vaughan.

Students in  Gr. 1 - 6 students were led by a group of Gr. 6 students in a ceremony that began at 10:30 in the gym.  We heard a moving rendition of the poem, "In Flanders Fields", the Last Post and we sang O Canada, to the backdrop of age-appropriate slides depicting  various wars.  At 11:00 a.m. we all observed a minute of silence. 

Some of our Gr. 1 students reflected on Remembrance Day in class.

Kindergarten students gathered in one FDK classroom to watch the ceremonies in Ottawa online. 

We hope that our students came home with reflections to share and questions to engage their families in discussions about Remembrance Day.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Scholastic Book Fair coming soon!

Parent-Teacher interviews and student-led conferences

Thornhill Woods P.S. Update


Nov 4, 2016

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Once again this year, we will be booking our Parent-Teacher Interviews and Student-Led Conferences for SK – Gr. 8 students using an online booking system. 

In order to access the booking system you need to go to  and enter the school code ym5a7.  Once there, you will be prompted to put in your name, your child’s first name only and your email address.  Your email address is required for you to get confirmation of your appointment times, but it is an optional step.  In other words you can still book your appointments without inputting an email address.  Just be sure to make a note of the date and time.  It is a very simple process, just input your child’s name, his/her grade and select the teacher.  Then you can choose the time that is convenient to you.  The event will open on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH AT 7:00 P.M.

Please remember that the interviews/conferences are 15 minutes in length and we ask that you are prompt and that you don’t go over your allotted time.

If you are unable to meet the teacher on the evening of  November 24th or the morning of November 25th, and if you would still like to communicate with the teacher regarding your child's progress, please call the school and leave a voicemail message for your child's teacher(s).  They will return your call and set up a time to talk on the phone sometime after November 25th.

Should you have any problems with the system, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Green in the office.

Thank you!

Lynne Cohen                        Michelle Vanderzon             

Principal                                Vice-Principal

Friday, 4 November 2016

Gr. 1 Trip to Pleasant Ridge Library

On Thursday, November 3rd, all our Gr. 1 students, their teachers and some wonderful volunteers walked up to the Pleasant Ridge Library.  They were met by Stephen Lewis S.S. Gr. 11 and 12 students (some of whom were our former students!) and their teachers.  

The high school students read their publication "The Dairy of Margaret Reaman" to our students, interspersing a few interesting details about the history of the Thornhill Woods community.  Then each student was provided with his/her own copy of the colouring book format of the publication.   Our students worked in groups, each led by a high school student and coloured in parts of the book. 

In addition, they were treated to some snacks and a juice box and then walked back to school. It was a great opportunity to partner with our high school peers and colleagues!